The richest, most spoiled and outrageously treated dogs in America

Training in the Smart Car

We are trained not to get out of the car till daddy says GO!. He wants to make sure we are safe, and he can hold our leashes. Also, we can only get out on the passenger side, so even if the drivers door is open we don’t get out. (unless we see a tasty bird or food, but then we get in trouble) daddy says when we are older we can drive, then we can get out on that side. This is his new Smart Car. Its white with red interior, and its a convertible. Its a little small don’t you think??!!

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  • Lori on January 22, 2010

    I agree, it’s on the small side and not fancy enough for such beautiful babies.


  • Tracy on January 22, 2010

    I can’t tell you how much I’m enjoying your posts! I got my first Cavalier, Humphrey, a tri-color, many years ago. He died a week before his 10th b’day. Within 2 weeks I had another tricolor, Violet, soon followed by a Blenheim, Oliver. Sadly, we had to have Oliver put to sleep last April, at age 9. Violet s almost 11 and still going strong. As long as I live, I will always have Cavaliers. They’re so precious. Although I got all three from breeders, next time I plan to get rescues. God bless you for taking in your sweet babies.

  • Momo & Pinot on January 24, 2010

    Hello Dixie and Willie!!! Mom found your blog on place called Facebook and we jumped here. You have a wonderful blog.  Your daddy maintains everything very well! 🙂

    Yes, lots of humans think smart car is too small but it looks like there is a plenty of room for you guys. and hey this is our mom’s dream car!!!

    We’d love to add your names to our friends list on our blog. Hope it’s ok with you.

    Spoiled Cavaliers: Momo & Pinot 🙂 🙂

  • Audrey Phillips on October 1, 2010

    my dream car is none other than the Porsche 911;:~

  • Decking Kits  on October 18, 2010

    i also like to purchase my dream car which is a porsche 911,-,

  • Inflatable Bed · on November 8, 2010

    my dream car is a Ferarri, Ferarris are the best cars in the world ‘

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