Cole is a sweet Black and tan, 3 years old. Double click images to get full size. He is 3 years old. He is house broken, and loves to use the doggie door. Vet gives him a clean bill of health, other than he is 10 lbs. overweight. Thyroid checks good, and he is not diabetic. Cole does need cataract surgery on both his eyes, which will cost about $4,000. We are asking for donations to help with that. Please make checks to CHKCR, in any amount and mail to 1345 Eagle Run Dr., noting for Cole . Any donation will be much appreciated. We would like to do both eyes, but will do one for sure, if donations fall short.
Cole is very sweet, plays well with my other dogs and ignores the cat. Even at food time he is very passive. He loves to go in the car, and answers well to his name and comes when called.
Cavalier Daddy
February 3, 2014
Postings from the Puppies
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