Daddy says he is gonna trade us for weenie dogs if we make a mess in his office again. But Ms. State Farm is sweet, she holds our ears back when we have an upset tummy. She says she always appreciated it in college when someone would hold her hair back while she hugged the commode. We aren’t sure how to hug a commode, but if anyone can do it, she can cause she loves to hug everyone, especially us, and we see her hugging daddy too. Daddy says he never went to college, so never got to hug commodes, but he says many of you will know what that’s like. He says its not fun, but we like toilets, since they always smell so good.
Dixie, I hope you aren’t doing this on purpose because your Daddy says mean things about your weight!
Poor Dixie, she looks like she doesn’t feel well! I hope she is better today.